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All philanthropy is political – whether we like it or not


Published in Alliance Magazine

By Laurence Tubiana, CEO of the European Climate Foundation

For philanthropies and others engaged in the fight against climate change, the current moment is cause for both optimism and concern. Thanks to decades of intensive research, innovation, and campaigning, the world now has most of the technology it needs to wean itself off fossil fuels and achieve carbon neutrality by mid-century.

Unfortunately, for every technical hurdle we clear, a new political one seems to replace it.

Climate action is increasingly prominent in elections worldwide. But it is also becoming more divisive. Concerns over potential costs and lifestyle changes entailed by the net zero transition are fuelling a backlash among some constituencies, leading certain countries and regions to scale back or abandon climate policies. In doing so, they risk missing out on the significant economic and broader benefits of the global shift to clean energy.

Read the full article in Alliance Magazine

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