The ECF Funding Acceptance Policy specifies and defines sources of accepted and unaccepted funding. Accepted sources of funding do not constitute a fundraising strategy; the ECF may not actively pursue funding from all acceptable sources.
The following funding sources can be accepted by the ECF, subject to the funding meeting the necessary Funder Due Diligence Criteria: Private Foundations; Family Foundations; Corporate Foundations; Major Donors; Donor Advised Funds; Legacies and Gifts in Wills; Lotteries; Bilateral Funders*; Multilateral Funders*; Pooled Funds; Public Fundraising; Intangible Items; Tangible Items. The following funding sources are not accepted by the ECF: Commercial Entities; Corporate Social Responsibility Programmes; Anonymous Donations (where ECF does not know the identity of the donor).
The ECF Funding Acceptance Policy is supported by a comprehensive Funder Due Diligence Process, which is applied to all prospective new funding partners. Due diligence is periodically refreshed for existing partnerships.
*While the vast majority of the ECF’s funding comes from philanthropic sources, it receives a small amount of government funding (currently less than 1% of its annual budget) for technical assistance work carried out by the 2050 Pathways Platform.