Our Priorities

We focus on eight interconnected ‘big bets’ which together will help achieve a greener, more peaceful and democratic Europe.


Our priorities

Fossil-free energy

European and national just transitions


Europe in the World


Citizen engagement and cultural change

Clean transport solutions

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Europe’s industrial transformation

timon studler abgavhjxwdq unsplash

Shifting the financial system

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Land, food and nature

Our impact

With a deep understanding of the complexities of climate action, place-based and topical expertise, and an unparalleled network of partners across civil society, business and government, we strengthen collaboration and catalyse climate progress in Europe and around the world.

Learn more about our impact

Latest stories

Citizen engagement
Fossil free energy
Italy reportage

A visual tale of citizens leading the transition to energy-efficient buildings across Europe

With colder weather approaching and the need to turn on our heating, we began to look at our buildings as a refuge against lower temperatures, a way to reduce emissions and be energy-independent. Across Europe, citizens are leading the transition…

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Fossil free energy
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A growing European movement for a community-driven energy transition

To achieve our climate goals, Europe needs to deploy massive amounts of renewable energy over the next ten years. Yet clean energy projects risk major delays or cancellations from community pushback, a trend that’s entirely preventable if communities are adequately…

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European & national just transitions

Upholding climate action in the European elections

In just a few days, voters in the EU will head to the ballot box to elect the next European Parliament. The outcome of these elections will have a big influence over the level of political ambition that will exist…

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