Latest updates

The latest stories, insights, news, and resources on climate from the ECF and our partners.


2023 annual report: Forging a green, democratic and peaceful future for all

Our 2023 annual report presents our network’s key achievements over the past year, new learnings to catalyse collective impact, and our vision for the future. 2023 not only tested our resilience but also underscored the critical importance of our mission,…

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Stories & insights

Citizen engagement
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Building a stronger climate network through capacity-building initiatives

How do we best equip our network to accelerate climate action? How do we build on the expertise our partners have in-house for continued, shared impact? At the European Climate Foundation, we go beyond strategic grantmaking — we also focus…

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Europe's industrial transformation
Poland reportage

Unlocking Europe’s industrial transformation: a pathway to a competitive and inclusive net-zero economy

Maintaining Europe’s industrial competitiveness while leading the way to climate neutrality poses significant economic, technological and social hurdles. This transformation demands not only substantial investment and innovation but also a fundamental rethinking of existing industrial practices and workforce skills, ensuring…

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Citizen engagement
Fossil free energy
Italy reportage

A visual tale of citizens leading the transition to energy-efficient buildings across Europe

With colder weather approaching and the need to turn on our heating, we began to look at our buildings as a refuge against lower temperatures, a way to reduce emissions and be energy-independent. Across Europe, citizens are leading the transition…

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Global Solidarity Levies Task Force: Launch of new coalition and progress report at COP29

Led by Kenya, Barbados and France, the task force’s progress report highlights critical steps in coalition-building, impact assessments, and technical research into levies on maritime fuel, aviation, fossil fuels and financial services. New proposed levies are now being considered on…

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Countries unite to mobilise additional financing for people and the planet

Kenya, Barbados and France co-chair the task force to help address Paris Agreement climate action and development financing needs. New climate levies on private air travel, financial transactions, maritime fuel, carbon damages, fossil fuel profits and reinvesting fossil fuel subsidies…

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Net zero watchdog launches to ensure European Green Deal delivers on climate neutrality

A new independent net zero watchdog, the European Climate Neutrality Observatory (ECNO), has launched to help ensure the EU gets and remains on track with the delivery of a resilient, climate neutral future. Incubated by the European Climate Foundation (ECF),…

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Annual Report

2023 annual report: Forging a green, democratic and peaceful future for all

Our 2023 annual report presents our network’s key achievements over the past year, new learnings to catalyse collective impact, and our vision for the future. 2023 not only tested our resilience but also underscored the critical importance of our mission,…

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Annual Report

2022 annual report: Advancing climate action for a green, democratic & peaceful Europe

Europe has demonstrated extraordinary resilience in the face of continued economic and security crises. Our 2022 annual report emphasises the remarkable effectiveness of our network in making progress and maintaining high ambitions against the backdrop of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine…

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Fossil free energy
leap to heat pumps report graphic exports transp cover

Fast heat pump roll-out will unlock big socio-economic and climate benefits

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine and unprecedented energy price hikes, Europe has known more than ever that it needs to wean itself off expensive, polluting and volatile fossil fuels. Europe’s buildings are big gas customers accounting for 40% of…

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