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2022 annual report: Advancing climate action for a green, democratic & peaceful Europe

Europe has demonstrated extraordinary resilience in the face of continued economic and security crises. Our 2022 annual report emphasises the remarkable effectiveness of our network in making progress and maintaining high ambitions against the backdrop of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine…

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2023 annual report: Forging a green, democratic and peaceful future for all

Our 2023 annual report presents our network’s key achievements over the past year, new learnings to catalyse collective impact, and our vision for the future. 2023 not only tested our resilience but also underscored the critical importance of our mission,…

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2022 annual report: Advancing climate action for a green, democratic & peaceful Europe

Europe has demonstrated extraordinary resilience in the face of continued economic and security crises. Our 2022 annual report emphasises the remarkable effectiveness of our network in making progress and maintaining high ambitions against the backdrop of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine…

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leap to heat pumps report graphic exports transp cover

Fast heat pump roll-out will unlock big socio-economic and climate benefits

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine and unprecedented energy price hikes, Europe has known more than ever that it needs to wean itself off expensive, polluting and volatile fossil fuels. Europe’s buildings are big gas customers accounting for 40% of…

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2021 annual report: Shaping a carbon-free society

In the midst of a tumultuous year, revisiting our 2021 priorities and achievements took on a new dimension. Few could have anticipated the full extent of the upheavals, triggered by Russia’s aggression, that have intervened since. But despite the continued…

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2019 annual report: Empowering climate action

The fight against climate change is a race against time and the clock is ticking. We cannot go back and erase the tracks that led us to where we are today, but we can start changing the course that lies…

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