Andrew Coiley

Andrew Coiley

Strategic Communications Manager, Industry & Innovation


About me

Andrew joined the ECF in 2022 as a Strategic Communications Manager with the Industry & Innovation programme. His role covers policies including Emissions Trading Systems (ETS), the Circular Economy package, Carbon Capture (CCS) and green hydrogen for industry (steel).

Andrew has been engaged in communicating climate action in Europe and elsewhere for over 10 years.  Before joining the ECF he worked alongside grassroot campaigners in South Asia as project officer, monitoring CDM offset project design to support national CSO engagement on Clean Development Mechanism activities in the region.

He continued to expand this working knowledge as communication director for Carbon Market Watch on cross-cutting campaigns covering the UNFCCC negotiations, international aviation (under ICAO) and EU emission reduction policies.

Andrew is a graduate of Aberdeen University. Currently based in Brussels, he continues to widen his network of friends and colleagues alike.  He is a keen guitarist and singer.

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