Valentina Vivirito

Valentina Vivirito

Senior Associate, Climate Finance


About me

Valentina Vivirito is a Senior Associate in the Climate Finance programme.

Valentina moved to Brussels in 2018 to work as a blue book trainee in the Secretariat General of the European Commission. She focused on policy coordination around energy and climate files. With great motivation to continue working in this field to accelerate climate action, she joined the ECF as an intern in 2019.

Valentina holds an MSc Degree in Environmental Economics and Climate Change from the London School of Economics and a BSc Degree in Economics and Finance from the University of York (UK).

A lover of travelling and nature, she keeps throwing herself into new adventures, such as surfing, playing the ukulele and growing plants. Valentina also likes to keep herself busy with languages: she is native in Italian and Portuguese, fluent in Spanish and English, and is working on French and German.

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