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All philanthropy is political – whether we like it or not

Published in Alliance Magazine By Laurence Tubiana For philanthropies and others engaged in the fight against climate change, the current moment is cause for both optimism and concern. Thanks to decades of intensive research, innovation, and campaigning, the world now…

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Countries unite in Global Solidarity Levies Task Force to mobilise additional financing for people and the planet

Kenya, Barbados and France co-chair task force launched at COP28 and following discussions during the Paris Summit for a New Financing Pact and Africa Climate Summit 2023 to help address Paris Agreement climate action and development financing needs. New climate…

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Net zero watchdog launches to ensure European Green Deal delivers on climate neutrality

A new independent net zero watchdog, the European Climate Neutrality Observatory (ECNO), has launched to help ensure the EU gets and remains on track with the delivery of a resilient, climate neutral future. Incubated by the European Climate Foundation (ECF),…

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