Our Team

Our team includes experts on topics essential to climate action, from energy policy to strategic communications to philanthropy, working across Europe and internationally.


Learn more about our Supervisory Board and Advisory Council, which guide and oversee the ECF


CEO Office

Executive Management Team

Our Executive Management Team comprises our CEO Laurence Tubiana and leading experts in climate policy, campaign strategy, organisational management, and philanthropy. They set the strategy and run the ECF’s day-to-day decision-making, under the guidance and oversight of our board.

Management Council

Our Management Council includes the Executive Management Team and directors overseeing programmes and operations across the foundation.

Strategic Partnerships

The Strategic Partnerships team is responsible for stewarding relations with our funders as well as with the ECF Supervisory Board and Advisory Council.

Operations & Finance

Our Operations and Finance team runs our grantmaking infrastructure, oversees our day-to-day operations, and supports our partners through learning, capacity building and organisational development.

Accounting & Finance Grants Management

Business Control

Grants Management

Human Resources


Learning & Impact

Legal & Governance

Network Analysis Unit

Office Management

Transformation Office

Business Control

Grants Management

European & national just transitions

Central Europe

Climate Governance

EU Institutional Relations





South East Europe & Hungary




United Kingdom

Fossil free energy

Pooled fund on International Energy (PIE)

Europe in the world & international affairs



2050 Pathways Platform

International Climate Politics Hub

Citizen engagement & cultural change

Corporate Communications

Clean transport

Europe’s industrial transformation

Shifting the financial system

Land, food & nature

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