
Our resources include publications on a range of climate topics by the ECF and our partners, as well as our annual reports.


2023 annual report: Forging a green, democratic and peaceful future for all

Our 2023 annual report presents our network’s key achievements over the past year, new learnings to catalyse collective impact, and our vision for the future. 2023 not only tested our resilience but also underscored the critical importance of our mission,…

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Delivering EU energy security through climate action

This report draws on insights and analysis by a number of experts to consider whether and how the EU would be able to deal with a total cut-off from Russian gas supplies going into the winter of 2022 and out…

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A socially-just EU renovation wave

Home renovation and clean heating will include low-income households in the energy transition The European Green Deal can bring down lowest-income household energy bills by at least one-third in the medium to long term with home renovation and a switch…

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Renovating and electrifying buildings strengthens Europe’s economy and energy security

Europe will need to change the way it heats and cools homes to avert a climate crisis and reduce its dependence on fossil fuels. At the moment, energy-inefficient buildings are not renovated fast enough and Europe meets the majority of…

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Airlines, NGOs unite behind push for clean jet fuels in Europe

Airlines, pilots and environmental groups are teaming up for the first time to support a European Union plan for big increases in climate-friendly jet fuels. Four major carriers – Air France-KLM, easyJet, Ryanair and Deutsche Post DHL Group – have…

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