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2011 annual report


Our 2011 Annual Report includes a foreword from CEO Johannes Meier; a description of our objectives, role, and strategy; a list of our grantees; reviews of the year’s programme activities; and spotlights on Power Perspectives 2030 and the Durban Climate Change Summit (COP17).

2011 saw many of the most tumultuous events that may come to define this still young century. As the global economy continued to tumble from crisis to crisis, we witnessed natural disasters and extreme weather of unprecedented scale, revolutions, insurgencies, major shifts in geo-political dynamics, and more man-made CO2 produced than ever before. In a year with so much somber news, it is easy to assume that climate would take a back seat. However, there were some bright spots: the energy choices of our developed economies remained at the forefront of many debates, China’s 12th five-year plan reflects a significant commitment to decarbonisation, and more renewable power generation was built worldwide than ever before.

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