
Our resources include publications on a range of climate topics by the ECF and our partners, as well as our annual reports.


2023 annual report: Forging a green, democratic and peaceful future for all

Our 2023 annual report presents our network’s key achievements over the past year, new learnings to catalyse collective impact, and our vision for the future. 2023 not only tested our resilience but also underscored the critical importance of our mission,…

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Nz2050 Industry

Multiple pathways can take EU industries to a clean and prosperous future

Achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 for European energy-intensive industries is within reach and multiple pathways can get them there.

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People Voting In Booths

Majority of voters want political parties to tackle global warming

A new Ipsos MORI survey released on 16 April 2019 reveals that 77% of potential voters across 11 European countries identify global warming as an important criteria when deciding who to vote for in the May European elections.

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Nz2050 Fossil Free

Fossil-free energy systems in Europe are feasible by 2050

Building the infrastructure to decarbonise the EU’s energy system by 2050 through large amounts of green gas is projected to be up to 36% more expensive than through energy efficiency and smart electrification, even in European countries with a cold climate, according to the report “Towards fossil-free energy in 2050”.

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European citizens willing to renovate their home but held back by investments to be made

European citizens would be willing to carry out energy renovation in their homes in order to increase their thermal comfort, pay less in energy bills and improve their quality of living. However, most of them are held back by the perceived financial investments to be made as well as by the hassle of organising the renovation works.

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